28 March 2006

How to enliven a political interview

Interviewer: If you ever have to meet the Queen as Australian prime minister, I wonder if her background notes on you would include your reference to Tony Abbott and the Queen in June last year where you described Abbott as, "basically hanging out of the backside of the British monarch whenever he can". What is this obsession you have with bottoms?

Latham: I've no particular obsession with bottoms, it's a figure of speech ...

Interviewer: Howard the arse-licker and the brown nose kissing bums, as you put it, Abbott hanging out of the Queen's backside, the conga line of suckholes ...

Latham: Well, I think bum is a word that gets used a bit in this country.

- Former Australian Labor Party leader Mark Latham, with Kerry O'Brien on The 7.30 Report in December 2003

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